Child Friendly Climate Change Policy 2017<\/a><\/p>\n Climate Change Factsheet<\/a><\/p>\n Climate Change Booklet English<\/a><\/p>\n Climate Change Booklet Ndebele<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Development Strategy<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe Green Climate Fund Country Programme<\/a><\/p>\n National Adaptation Planning Communication Strategy<\/a><\/p>\n Climate Change Law in Zimbabwe Concepts and Insights<\/a><\/p>\n Climate Change Booklet Shona<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe-Adaptation Communication to UNFCC on CC-2022<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe Fourth National Communication<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe Biennial Update Report 1<\/a><\/p>\n Technical handbook-Implementation of the ETF-2015 Paris Agreement<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe Revised Nationally Determined Contribution 2021 Final<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe 4th National Communication to the UNFCCC<\/a><\/p>\n The 2015 Paris Agreement<\/a><\/p>\n National Climate Policy<\/a><\/p>\n National Climate Change Response Strategy<\/a><\/p>\n National Climate Change Learning Strategy<\/a><\/p>\n National Adaptation Plan Roadmap<\/a><\/p>\n Communication Strategy for the NAP Planning Process in Zimbabwe<\/a><\/p>\n Climate-Smart Agriculture Manual for Agric Education in Zimbabwe<\/a><\/p>\n Climate Change Mainstreaming Module for Development Planning<\/a><\/p>\n Climate Change Mainstreaming Manual March 2021 Final<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe’s Climate Change National Adaptation Plan<\/a><\/p>\n S.I. 152 of 2023 Carbon Credits Trading (General) (Amendment) Regulations<\/a><\/p>\n S.I. 150 of 2023 Carbon Credits Trading (General) Regulations<\/a><\/p>\n S.I. 158 of 2023 Carbon Credits Trading (General) (Amendment) Regulations<\/a><\/p>\n MECW UNFCCC COP28 User Manual<\/a><\/p>\n